Mudder Hall of Famer, Jamie Gane recently caught up with us to share his insight and Adaptive Athlete tips.
After completing his 100th Tough Mudder in 2022, Jamie is well equipped and had more than a few runs through the course.
1. Watch The Videos And Read The Blogs
Make sure you’re fully aware of what’s to come. The content and information out there will help you plan for the day and for the course.
2. Bring A Supportive Team or Friend With You
It always helps having some support with you. Whether that’s a full team or just a mate that will give you a boost when you need it.

3. Don’t Be Worried About Skipping An Obstacle
There’s no shame in skipping an obstacle if you don’t feel comfortable in your ability to complete it. People will always offer some encouragement and a hand to help you through if you need it, but don’t worry if it’s too much for you. No one will shame or blame you for it at all.
4. Bring Your Blue Badge
Quite a simple one really, this helps with your parking for the day and just makes getting in and out of the event a bit easier. There’s always blue badge parking on site.

5. Reach Out For Support
Similar to points number 2 and 3 but if you need a hand, a boost, or any kind of help around the course or village, please just ask. Mudders are more than comfortable and keen to help.
Book For 2024 & Share Your Story
If you’re an adaptive athlete and interested in taking on the course, book your ticket and get in touch with the team – here.
If you’ve got a story to share, we’d love to hear it.
Our events for next year are already live so your training and journey can begin now.