No Excuses Episode 56: Celebrity Trainer Jenna Willis on Conquering Tough Mudder with Camila Cabello

For this International Women’s Day Special, we sit down with celebrity trainer, Jenna Willis to discuss women empowerment and her recent experience on the Tough Mudder course with her friends and clients, Camila Cabello and Liza Koshy. Jenna touches on aligning your mental and physical health, motivation, and getting outside your comfort zone.

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TM: What do you mean when you say, “fitness is a journey?”

J: Patience. Patience, that is something I need to practice on constantly and remind myself. I feel like there’s type-A people in this world who need to learn how to slow down and then there’s type B, who need to learn how to speed up. I need to learn how to slow down most of the time and I think that goes into your fitness journey, too. People always say, “When am I going to see the results? When is this going to happen?” My first question is always, “How long did it take you to get to where you are now?” “Well, I don’t know, maybe a year or so.” “Okay, so let’s be patient with this journey.” I always like to say that a bad relationship with fitness is like a bad relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend. You all of a sudden do XYZ and you’re miserable. Then, you find yourself right back on the couch. Single again, eating that pint of Ben and Jerry’s. That’s the biggest relation I always like to bring up. Patience. Work on yourself. Do it the right way. Change really will happen.

TM: What woman is an influence and inspiration to you?

J: There’s a few. One of them I was able to meet, which was really cool. Her name is Gabby Reese. She’s a very well-known volleyball player and that’s me being an athlete growing up and also playing volleyball. I actually got to go to her and her husband’s home, and they do aquatic training, so that was a very, very cool experience. Another one is Dominique Dawes. She was my inspiration because I was a gymnast growing up and that girl was so graceful, so stunning, and so dedicated to what she did. So that’s another one for me from childhood. 

On the other realm of life, Meryl Streep, very, very, very talented actress, boss of a woman, so hard-working, so skilled and so dedicated to what she does, and also an incredible mom. I used to be a camp counselor at a summer camp and I met her daughter and I got to meet Meryl as well. She is just such an incredible mother, like so special. I also really enjoy Brene Brown. She’s got some great words of wisdom that I turn to a lot of times, and I think she’s great as well and has a lot of incredible things to share and say. Those are a few right off the top of my head that influenced me through the years and times and all realms of life.



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