What other Mudders have to say about Arctic Enema

Arctic Enema

Arctic Enema, one of our top signature obstacles, is notorious for its bone-chilling challenge. Here’s what some Mudders have had to say about their experiences with this icy plunge

If you had to describe Arctic Enema using 3 words what would they be?





How do you take on Arctic Enema?

“Take a deep breath at the top so the shock doesn’t make you do it underwater”

“Walk around the outside of the obstacle and listen to your mates screaming”`

“I tell myself it will be over within a few seconds”

“Scream the whole time, don’t ask, it just helps”

If we haven’t scared you off already check out these training tips.

How cold is Arctic Enema?

“It’s like brain freeze but over your whole entire body”

“Cold? Let’s just say my goosebumps got goosebumps”

“I’ve heard rumours that it’s where snowmen go for vacation”

“Let’s just say even the penguins would think twice”

“Takes the Ice bucket challenge to a whole new level”

Dare to take the plunge?

This obstacle doesn’t care if you have all the upper body strength of an Olympic gymnast, or the power in your legs of a professional rugby player. This one is all about personal courage and being mentally prepared as you plunge into the biggest ice bath you’ll ever come across.

Sign up today and test your mental grit.