Kiss of Mud

We've given you 14" of space between the ground and the barbed wire. The choice between mud and blood is yours.

Army Crawl

Use your knees and elbows to get you across to the other side

Low Ceiling

With only so much clearance, make sure to keep you head low to avoid the gnarly barbed wire

Wet & Wild

Uneven surfaces lurk below the muddy madness

Low & Slow

Take your time to avoid getting pricked

“There is no getting out from this obstacle clean!”

The inside word
Deep dive into the details of Arctic Enema.
How To Conquer
Pause to reflect on your first move and channel your inner commando crawl. Get on your hands and knees and aim to get as low into the mud as possible. Perform a forward motion army style crawl keeping your head low, to avoid the barbed wire. Surfaced will be uneven below the wet, muddy surface – so expect the unexpected.


Anywhere we can get away with throwing barbed wire into the mix, that obstacle becomes an instant classic. Kiss of Mud is known for not holding back and leaving Mudders crawling out from the obstacle covered head to toe in the muck.

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Electroshock Therapy

All the muscles in the world won't soften the blow of 10,000 volts.


Just start running and don’t stop.


Wet sloppy mud that makes you slip and the electricity worse.


Obstacles dotted among the wires to trip you up.

10,000 VOLTS

That’s right. You will feel it.

“What the hell just happened?”

The inside word
Deep dive into the details of Electroshock Therapy.
How To Conquer
Don’t overthink it – there may well be a correlation between the time spent procrastinating and the number of shocks… Psych up (a battle cry may help) and charge straight into the belly of the beast. Run like hell, cover your face and remember to get back up quickly if you do go down.
Obstacle Training Tips
There are not many recommended ways to train for this obstacle. However, keeping your feet is very important. So work on your balance and stability when moving over uneven ground. Working on your footwork, agility and ability to change direction quickly will all be beneficial. But in the end, just close your eyes and run.
Obstacle FAQs
Q: What does it feel like?
A: Being hit in the head by an angry ghost.


Perhaps Tough Mudder’s most controversial obstacle, this simple structure remains largely unchanged from its inception and earliest days on course. A field of wires dangling from a rectangular frame, clicking as 10,000 volts crackle through them. Over the years mud, trenches, rows of hay and even a grandstand have been added to enhance the spectacle. A right of passage for most participants and favourite amongst spectators who enjoy watching the carnage.

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Mud Mile

A puddle of mud is an inconvenience. A series of 10' deep, rolling mud mountains is a privilege.


You’ll need to grab a muddy hand to get through this one.


From knee to waist deep, these watery pits will be waiting.


So steep and so slippery. Almost impossible to scale alone.


You will be covered. Truly covered, in mud.

“The dirtiest experience my friends and I have had in years”

The inside word
Deep dive into the details of Mud Mile.
How To Conquer
It’s time to get dirty. Really dirty. Grab your friends and be ready to get utterly covered in the soft sloppy stuff. There is no alternative but to slip into the mud and work your way through. Grab hold of all those sloppy helping hands to haul yourself up and over mounds of mud.
Obstacle Training Tips
There is not much you can do in the gym to get prepped for an obstacle like this. Your training time is going to be much better served to convince a bunch of your friends to be right there alongside you, down and dirty, in the trenches.
Obstacle FAQs
Q: How dirty do you really get?
A: There will be mud in certain places for weeks…


Mud has been an integral part of Tough Mudder since the first event in 2010. From a simple, non-lined excavation, filled with cold water and straw, the experience developed and the focus shifted to real muddy mud. As it evolved it became more about its positive attributes – slides, awesome photos, helping hands, and outrageous fun reminiscent of childhood. With this aim in mind, Mud Mile evolved into what we see today.

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Run fast, jump high, and reach for a helping hand over this greased 13' quarterpipe.


Just like a half-pipe only bigger.


Many Mudders waiting to haul you up to the top.


This means the only thing to grab a hold of is another Mudder.


Make sure you hit top speed at the right time.

“Just look for those helping hands. Your team will get you over the summit.”

The inside word
Deep dive into the details of Everest.
How To Conquer
Just like the real thing, to reach the summit of Everest you require planning, deep breaths and the help of a team. Take a running start and keep your feet moving as you head up the vertical section – run up it, not at it. Lock your eyes onto an outstretched hand and leap towards it. Finally, allow the team of Mudders to haul you up and over.
Obstacle Training Tips
While it might seem like strength is a key part of hauling yourself up and over the summit, you will have help. The key is to make sure you get the running start right. Working on both your running and lower-body explosiveness will give you the best chance of hitting the incline just right. Keep your eyes on the prize and those legs pumping.
Obstacle FAQs
Q: How will I know when to jump for the hands?
A: When you think you have run far enough. Take a couple more steps.


Originally a bit shorter than what you see on course today, Everest has stood the test of time. First introduced to the course in 2010, while it has seen changes to structure and materials, the design, premise and enjoyment of this obstacle have stayed the same since the beginning. A true legend.

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Arctic Enema

Take a dunk in this 4-degree ice pit. Glass will never be safe again.


Depending on the course designers, you will either dunk yourself or be dunked to enter.


Over 8 tonnes of ice will keep you nice and cool.


Once you emerge, you must again submerge. Nasty.


After what feels like years you will wade your way up and out of the ice chest.

“It’s like the worst brain freeze you’ve ever had, but for your body.”

The inside word
Deep dive into the details of Arctic Enema.
How To Conquer
Focus and a clear mind. Making it through Arctic Enema is all about understanding that your body will feel shocked from the cold and focusing on your movements through the icy bath. There is no need to panic, once you re-surface from the first dunk, take a breath, plunge under the second baffle and keep your feet moving. You will be out the other side in no time.
Obstacle Training Tips
This obstacle is entirely mental, so it won’t matter how many chin-ups you can do or how far you can run. Everyone will react differently to the sub-zero temperature. While you cannot prepare physically, you can train your mind to stay clear and focused when under duress. Other than that, maybe throw a couple of ice-cubes in your next bath.
Obstacle FAQs
Q: How cold is it really?
A: Cold. Very, very cold.


What started as a variety of ice-based obstacles slowly morphed into Arctic Enema (Hot Shots anyone?). At first, you just had to climb in and wade through the ice. However, as the years progressed those nerds in the obstacle innovation lab started to add more ways to ensure that you had to submerge your whole body as many times as possible. Now it really lives up to its name.

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The Block Ness Monster

Flip your friends off - and have them thank you for it. Rotating a set of 500lb blocks takes a village.


At over 9 metres long, it is these two huge wooden blocks that you will have to clamber over.


You’re going to get wet. Wading through the murky depths is not an option.


Giving each other a boost up and over while timing synchronized pushes and pulls is the only way through.


You can’t go under it, you can’t go round it. The only way is up.

“The most fun you can have out on course. The teamwork was incredible.”

The inside word
Deep dive into the details of the Block Ness Monster.
How To Conquer
The Block Ness Monster is all about teamwork. It requires strong communication between friends and strangers alike. A whole lot of people need to push one side up, while a lot more people push the other side down. Once it is moving a few people at a time can shimmy over the top as it rotates.
Obstacle Training Tips
Taking on the Block Ness Monster is more about communication and teamwork. Although, you will need to be able to pull yourself up and over the block. Having good upper body strength is certainly an advantage. While you will be required to push the block up and pull it down, the more people helping makes it easier. So just focus on being able to pull-up your body weight and you will be fine.
Obstacle FAQs
Q: Do you have to get wet?
A: Umm. Yes. Have you seen the pictures?

Q: Can I do it alone?
A: You can, however, you will never be on this obstacle alone.

Q: How heavy are the cuboids?
A: Technically speaking. Very heavy. The water and your fellow Mudders will help you.


The Block Ness Monster is one of the best examples of crazy and unexpected our obstacle innovation process can be. Discovery and innovation continue to evolve throughout the whole innovation journey. Originally designed by one of Tough Mudder’s interns, the blocks were intended to have people run across it. During testing, as people kept falling in, they started to push and pull the blocks. The rest is history.

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Forty feet up, forty feet down, with nothing but a net.


As you approach, take it all in. Woah, it’s big.


Get your teammates to give you an initial leg-up.


Stay calm, swing your leg over and start the descent.


That’s right. You will feel it.

“It’s so high and you can see right through it. Unlike any other obstacle I have ever tried.”

The inside word
Deep dive into the details of Mudderhorn.
How To Conquer
Stay calm and climb up like you’re on a really big ladder. Keep your eyes forward, your weight evenly distributed and a good steady pace on your ascent. When you reach the top, keep the same rhythm but now in reverse.
Obstacle Training Tips
While there is no real training for a fear of heights, there are few you can do to help you get over Mudderhorn. Key areas to help you out are leg strength and grip strength. You want to be comfortable holding your body weight and are well balanced at all times on the cargo net.
Obstacle FAQs
Q: What if you get stuck up there?
A: What goes up must come down. Eventually…


The Giant-A-Frame structure, first saw use at WTM 2016, creating an epic backdrop to the start line. Well received as it was, Mudderhorn’s size and complexity meant it wasn’t considered for wider use during the 2017 and 2018 seasons. 2019 saw a re-focus on the structure and Mudderhorn was finally scaled for Tough Mudder Classic and rolled out across the season to much delight among participants.

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