Conquering Everest is a daunting task, nearly impossible to some. It requires fortitude, determination, and overcoming of fears, which are also need to take on Tough Mudder events. Everest tests participants physical ability, but also requires a mentality to conquer, just like Mt. Everest.
The Everest Milestone requires participants to set a goal and strive towards it, conquering the height of the mountain via walking or running hills, climbing stairs, or hiking your local mountain. Both of these will test you, but here is how you will be able to overcome these when you take them on.
So, if you’re planning on conquering Everest on course, you’ll need to train appropriately and Emerged Drinks want to prepare you. Everest requires strength, power, stamina, and grip.
Combine hill walking with the power and grip strength training below and you will be conquering heights up Everest and beyond.
We recommend starting with explosive training because this combines strength and speed to increase your power output. Explosive power drills are often used by athletes who need to generate a quick burst of maximum effort. This type of training is helpful for Everest.
The goal of explosive exercise training is to build enough power to ultimately move body weight or heavy weights very quickly.
How To Train For Everest
For Everest you must run, jump and pull yourself to the top. In order to maximise strength, power, and speed of movement, a combination of heavy and light explosive exercise. Standard explosive exercises use large muscle movements. A good example would be squats.
Here are a few great exercises that can help with you conquering Everest.
1. Box jumps
2. Burpees
3. Jump Rope
4. Squat jumps/Jumping Lunges
5. Slam Ball Squat Thrust
1. Sprinting Hills
2. Stair Running
3. Sand sprints
4. Sleds/Parachute Runs
5. Walking Lunges/Sprints
1. Pull-ups
2. Push ups
3. Renegade Rows
4. Farmer Carry’s
5. Kettle Bell Swings
Now For A Fun And Challenging Bodyweight Workout
1. 20 Burpees
2. 10 push ups
3. 5 pull-ups
- Do 3 rounds of these exercises for time.
- Then 2 times 8-10 x 100m runs with 75 percent effort. With 30 second rest and 3-minute rest between sets.
One final thought; Tough Mudder is more than conquering Everest, it’s a way of thinking. By participating in a Tough Mudder event you will unlock a true sense of accomplishment, push your limits and have a good time. As always, you will have the community on course, by your side to help you if you so need.
Set Everest in your sights, rally your team, grab a bottle of Emerged Energy Drink and we’ll see you in the mud at a Tough Mudder event.