The best thing about choosing to get fit is that it doesn’t require any equipment – not if you don’t want it to. But if you’re looking to get the full fitness experience (but without filling your home with complicated contraptions) there are some simple and cheap accessories available. From getting strong to improving your flexibility and easing tight muscles these 5 items are the perfect starter kit this January.
1. Resistance Band
A bit like a giant rubber band a resistance band is a great little piece of kit. It’s small, portable, easy to store, cheap and can be used in a myriad of ways. A resistance band can be used to work your entire body, while also reducing the chance of injury. Any Mudders who have experienced an injury in the past will be familiar with resistance bands as they’re often used in rehabilitation exercise.
You won’t just drop your band once you’ve worked out either. Resistance bands are also useful in the all important warm down stage of your session, helping you to stretch.

2. Foam Roller
On the topic of warming down, next on our list is the foam roller. Another cheap and simple piece of equipment that you’ll come to love. A foam roller is going to help ease muscle pain and tightness. It doesn’t just improve how you feel though. Foam rolling can also improve blood flow and enhance the delivery of nutrients to muscles helping you to recover faster.
If a foam roller seems a little basic then a massage gun is the next step up. Our friends at Recovapro sat down with us to explain why recovering is just as important as training. A key lesson for any budding Mudder.
3. Kettlebell
For some people running and bodyweight exercise just isn’t enough. If you’re thinking about incorporating weights into your sessions then may we suggest starting out with our friend the kettlebell? Incredibly popular a few years ago kettlebells seem to have fallen out of fashion and are often found gathering dust in the loft. It’s time to dig them out. A kettlebell workout can easily work your whole body while improving your balance, stability and coordination.
Looking for a quick and simple kettlebell workout to get started with? This 10 minute kettlebell session is the perfect starting point.
4. Yoga mat
Don’t roll your eyes at us Mudders (and Mudders-in-training). You might turn your nose up at yoga but a) you’d be wrong to and b) you don’t just need to do yoga on a yoga mat. A mat will come in handy whenever you do a home workout, making sure you don’t slip and protecting your knees.
If you skip stretching and mobility you’re missing out on a range of benefits – including increased circulation, improved muscle coordination and even a boost in energy.

5. Dumbbells
We know that dumbbells might conjure an image of gym bros smashing out reps, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Dumbbells are a useful addition to anyone’s fitness regime, as long as they’re used safely and carefully. Where kettlebells are great for dynamic movement dumbbells are ideal for slower, more isolated moves. The ability to vary the weight of dumbbells is going to be important as you get fitter and stronger and want to increase the difficulty of your workouts.