To get you even more hyped for the Tough Mudder 2021 season there’s brand new obstacle swinging its way onto the course. Say hello to Well Swung.
As a two-legged, featherless mammal is there any better feeling for a human than soaring through the air?
Forget your fear and make a jump for the bar. Grab on tight with both hands as you swing out across the drink. Let go at the very last second, propel yourself into the air and reach for the bell. The sound of victory rings out as you crash into the water below.
How to conquer this obstacle you ask?
Keep your eyes focused on where you need your hands to be. Jump out and up with purpose. Maintain your momentum, this is key, you don’t want to be flailing around in the breeze. At the end of your swing, launch yourself through the air and aim for the Cow Bell – either way you’re ending up in the drink.
Well Swung is coming to the UK events this 2021 season. Epic and a rude name, what more could you ask for?