Ahead of the 2024 season kicking off, we thought we’d give you some inside scoops and (un)scientific data to share the top things you need to know from Tough Mudder HQ.
Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
South East
One of the new kids on the block for Tough Mudder, South East is a brand-spanking new venue for Mudders, therefore, we felt it was important to give you a small heads up on what to expect.
If you’ve taken part in a Spartan, you may recognise this venue and have a headstart on knowing the lay of the land.
In short, be prepared for a tough terrain. From our (un)scientific data, we believe your calves are 40% more likely to pull due to the challenging terrain. That means, pay attention in the warm up and make sure you’re stretched properly, otherwise it’ll be the limp of shame back to the car for you.
London West
A community favourite, Henley-On-Thames always delivers with the atmosphere and proper Tough Mudder experience. However, weather in 2023 was an obstacle in itself. But, that’s not the thing you need to know for 2024, instead, it’s the hills. Culden Faw throws up some unapologetic hills throughout the course and for that, you need to be prepared. Proper footwear is a must. Old gym trainers or anything with no grip will be about as useful as a chocolate teacup.
It might be surprising to some, but probably not surprising at all to the large majority that Scotland is our ‘sweariest’ event of the year. By that, we mean that the most swear words are said per participant than anywhere else.
For the most swear words, head to Electroshock Therapy at Scotland, but don’t take the kids. The colourful language used definitely paints a picture that might not be best for ears under the age of 18.
As well as being the home of our muddy obstacle course, Belvoir Castle is also featured in Downton Abbey. Did you recognise it?
We get stuck into a lot of mud, and love getting mucky, but Downton Abbey is arguably dirtier than us. Don’t believe us, just watch.
We get down and dirty at Heaton Park for Tough Mudder Manchester, and that means you can easily access the venue by public transport. That sounds good BUT that also means that any aches, pains, or dodgy limps get seen by everybody on the tram, train, or bus.
Trust us, you’ll really feel those aches and pains on the way home.
Set in the scene of the Yorkshire Dales, Tough Mudder Yorkshire is beautiful but also beautifully tough. That perfect view will really make you work for it.
As a result, only 26% of Mudders complete Everest at this venue.
We’ve seen more slips, trips, and falls than You’ve Been Framed. In fact, we could be millionaires with the clips.
South West
This venue is particularly special as it also hosts Spartan events on the same weekend. So you definitely could bump into a Spartan at your local Tesco or Travelodge.
You’ll probably find them shouting “Aroo!” in the biscuit aisle or doing lunges in the corridors.
The Badminton Estate may be flatter than other Tough Mudder venues but don’t be fooled, you’ll still be worked HARD for those finish line freebies.
Another new kid on the block for 2024, Birmingham promises more mud than you’ve bargained for. We promise. So much so that we’ve worked out that Mudders will bring back approximately 200 grams of mud on their shoes. That’s a bag of sugar just on your shoes…
If you’re looking to ruin a pair of trainers, this might be the event for you.
London South
This event is the strongest in numbers of our season with over 15,000 Mudders on average attending ever year.
We always keep a couple of tricks up our sleeve for London South and we don’t plan to stop in 2024. Keep your eyes peeled.
North West
It’s hard to describe without being there but North West is different, but for all the right reasons.
The mud feels different at this venue, it’s also a different colour and texture.
This venue is also historically our muddiest event of the year. So, if you’re looking to dye a pair of shorts or a t-shirt brown, this might be the event for you.
2024 Calendar
Now that you know all of that, ready to take the leap?
Here are our events for the year, when you’ve plucked up the courage and grit, we’ll see you at the start line.
For the latest event updates, be sure to follow our Instagram page.
*All data statements have been created for the sole purpose of comedy and should not be considered to be factual.