What You Need To Know About Fresh Berry Nutrition

British Berry Growers Hero

Everyone’s had a few strawberries in the summer or maybe some berries in a fruit salad. But, do you actually know the benefit of berry nutrition and how much they can help your training?

Well, with the support from Love Fresh Berries, we’re here to tell you. Spoiler alert, it’s berry good.

The Key Facts

We’ll break it down for you because it’s clear to see how and why fresh fruit and berries are essential for a healthy lifestyle.

  • Strawberries are rich in antioxidents. This can help prevent multiple illnesses including diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
  • Berries also help with anti-inflammatory. Need that extra support after a Tough Mudder? Berries will help with your muscle recovery.
  • Strawberries and raspberries are a great source of vitamin C. Giving you a better immune system and fighting against illnesses and diseases.
  • Strawberries contain vitamin B6. This vitamin and B12 will help prevent fatigue.
  • Berries are high in fibre. This helps keep your digestive system healthy

They’re Good For Everyone

Fresh fruit and berries are incredibly important for kids as well as adults.

They’re a great addition for lunchboxes or an after-school snack.

A great idea for supporting your little ones charge up for a Lidl Mudder.

Want to know more, make sure you’re following Love Fresh Berrie’s Instagram.

Berry Group Photo

Prove It On The Course

You’ve got the inside tips and pips from this berry nutrition education, now put it into practice.

We’ve got a handful of events left for 2023, are you brave enough to put yourself to the test?

If you need a bit more time, we’ve also got our 2024 events live.

For all the latest event news, please follow our Instagram page.



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