Free Training & Workouts

Now is the perfect time to get started. Whether you’ve got a Tough Mudder in the diary that you want to prepare for or if you’re simply making the most of time at home we have the workouts and training advice for you.

Man running in countryside
Run With Mudder Nation
Tough Mudder on Strava
Run With Mudder Nation
Tough Mudder on Strava
If lockdown has inspired you to take up running then you’re probably tracking your progress on Strava (if not you should be). If you want to keep up with Mudder Nation, take part in challenges and get running advice then join the Tough Mudder UK club – see you there.
Run with Mudders
Woman does sit up at home
No Equipment Needed
5 Simple At Home Workouts
No Equipment Needed
5 Simple At Home Workouts
We don’t blame you for missing the gym or your weekly yoga class but you can get plenty done at home. These five simple at home workouts don’t require any equipment, just a little bit of space and a splash of motivation.
Get Working
Woman running up quarter pipe
At Home Obstacle Training
Train for Everest
At Home Obstacle Training
Train for Everest
Don’t worry we’re not talking about the mountain, rather the classic Tough Mudder obstacle that demands physical strength and teamwork. We might not be able to face the real thing just yet but there’s nothing to stop you training in the comfort of your own home.
Conquer It
Fitness woman doing abs crunches
Build Your Body
Reveal Your Abs
Build Your Body
Reveal Your Abs
This workout won’t magically give you a six pack after just one session but it will get you on your way and without any equipment.
Start Chiselling
A woman hangs onto block in water
Become a Monster Hunter
Train for Block Ness Monster
Become a Monster Hunter
Train for Block Ness Monster
Although we might be waiting a little while until we can get out on course and face the mythical beast in real life there’s no reason we can’t start training for the clash at home.
Learn How
Man running in countryside
Run With Mudder Nation
Tough Mudder on Strava
Run With Mudder Nation
Tough Mudder on Strava
If lockdown has inspired you to take up running then you’re probably tracking your progress on Strava (if not you should be). If you want to keep up with Mudder Nation, take part in challenges and get running advice then join the Tough Mudder UK club – see you there.
Run with Mudders
Woman does sit up at home
No Equipment Needed
5 Simple At Home Workouts
No Equipment Needed
5 Simple At Home Workouts
We don’t blame you for missing the gym or your weekly yoga class but you can get plenty done at home. These five simple at home workouts don’t require any equipment, just a little bit of space and a splash of motivation.
Get Working
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Recovery & Mobility

It can be tempting to smash through workouts and runs with relish in the pursuit of new found strength, fitness or even a particular physique. But without stopping to recover and stretch progress can quickly be lost to injury and exhaustion.

Man doing yoga at home
Embrace Your Inner Yogi
Yoga Moves
Embrace Your Inner Yogi
Yoga Moves
Not only is yoga great for mobility, strength and relaxation it’s also another great aspect of training to add to your Tough Mudder preparation. Conquering obstacles isn’t just about being strong, you’ll need flexibility too.
Start Learning
Roam roller being used on legs
Ease Sore Muscles
How to Use a Foam Roller
Ease Sore Muscles
How to Use a Foam Roller
If countless at home workouts and runs have left you with stiff and painful muscles then grab your foam roller (or a tennis ball if you don’t have one). These simple moves might hurt at first but they’ll leave you with relaxed muscles which will heal faster.
Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’
Woman doing yoga in the beachside
These Feel Sooo Good
5 Hip Stretches
These Feel Sooo Good
5 Hip Stretches
These five tension-releasing hip stretches aren’t just for Mudders who workout, in fact they’re pretty great for anyone who spends a lot of time sitting at a desk (which right now is a lot of us).
Start Stretching
Cat sleeping under a duvet
Rest & Recovery
8 Signs You Need a Rest Day
Rest & Recovery
8 Signs You Need a Rest Day
Feeling more tired than usual? Not getting any stronger? These could be signs that you need a rest day. Resting and recovering is just as important as training if you want to get stronger, faster and fitter.
Tell Me the Signs
Man doing yoga at home
Embrace Your Inner Yogi
Yoga Moves
Embrace Your Inner Yogi
Yoga Moves
Not only is yoga great for mobility, strength and relaxation it’s also another great aspect of training to add to your Tough Mudder preparation. Conquering obstacles isn’t just about being strong, you’ll need flexibility too.
Start Learning
Roam roller being used on legs
Ease Sore Muscles
How to Use a Foam Roller
Ease Sore Muscles
How to Use a Foam Roller
If countless at home workouts and runs have left you with stiff and painful muscles then grab your foam roller (or a tennis ball if you don’t have one). These simple moves might hurt at first but they’ll leave you with relaxed muscles which will heal faster.
Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’
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