How many times have you typed, “habits of successful people,” into Google? Or maybe it’s “habits of millionaires,” or “how to be more driven”. There’s tons of advice out there on how to become more driven, more motivated and more successful. But if you’re reading this and you have your Tough Mudder ticket booked, we’d hazard a guess that you’re a lot closer than you think.
To show you exactly what we mean we’ve partnered with our returning Official Automotive Partner Isuzu. Isuzu know all about being Driven to Do. Their customers are the first to step outside of their comfort zone, the most likely to face a challenge headfirst, the people who don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk.
3 Habits of Highly Motivated People
1. Set Goals, Big and Small
Like we said, if you’ve already booked your Tough Mudder then you’re well on your way. Highly motivated people always have a roster of goals that they’re working towards. These will be a mix of smaller, quick goals and more long-term objectives that keep their motivation high. The key is to make sure that your goal is both a challenge but ultimately achievable – much like a Tough Mudder.
And if you haven’t booked yours yet? Consider it your new goal. And for bonus points, let everyone know when you’ve signed up because highly motivated people make their goals public for an added dash of accountability.
2. Surround Yourself with Other Motivated People
Highly motivated and often successful people tend to move in packs. That’s because if you’re surrounded by other motivated people who are crushing their goals, you’ll feel inspired to chase down your own challenges. And for when things aren’t always going right, you’ll have someone on hand to boost your moral with a pep-talk or helpful advice.
Join a community like Mudder Nation, or simply make connections with one or two other like-minded people to start.
3. Celebrate Your Successes
Humans are basic creatures when it comes down to it. Psychology says that a behaviour followed by a reward is more likely to be repeated. Foe example if you complete a Tough Mudder and you take the time to celebrate your achievement and be really proud of your headband you’ll be much more likely to run another event, stay active and go after another challenge.
Learn More About Isuzu
Interested in learning more about our Official Automotive Partner, Isuzu? Check out their website or look out for them at events where they’ll be bringing the epic Mud Mile to life.