Core workouts provide you a solid foundation for all things training, especially when you are trying to incrementally add more workouts in. With this is mind, here are 3 core workouts from our friends Three Fold that you can incorporate into any daily or weekly routine. These are three ab exercises you need to try.
Performing core-only workouts with additional training sessions during the week will allow you to really focus on getting your core stronger and bring up any weaknesses you might have. You don’t want to rush through the exercises, which typically happens if you wait until the end of your workout to hit your abs. Also, these “extra sessions” don’t have to be long; just 15-20 minutes will be enough.
It doesn’t matter when you get your ab work in; just get it in. Having a stronger core will affect everything you do. It will improve your durability (injury prevention), increase your strength and power potential, and help correct your posture.
Here are three ab exercises that will build your core
1. Hollow Body Hold and Hang Exercise
The hollow body hold is a back-friendly way to strengthen the core front.
- Start by lying flat on your back and then gently lift your legs off the floor while elevating your upper back and shoulders, hollowing your body out.
- Hold for about 20 to 30 seconds.
- The hollow body hang is similar to the hollow body hold except you are hanging from a bar, so gravity is working against your legs and your core is in a slightly different position.
Top Tip: The act of hanging from a bar with the shoulders overhead, while also great for your shoulder stability and mobility, adds an extra degree of difficulty for the core as you work extra hard to prevent extension through the lower and middle back.
2. Full Body V-Up Exercise
The full V-up is pretty advanced, but you can always do the modified version as you work up to it. Once you master the V-up ab exercise, you can even try holding a weighted medicine ball in your hands.
- Start by lying flat on your back. At the same time, lift your legs off the floor and you back off the floor, bringing your upper body and lower body towards each other while balancing on your tailbone region.
- Try and touch your hands to your feet (or get as close as you can) and then lower yourself simultaneously to your starting position lying on your back.
- Perform 8-10 reps.
3. Side Plank Dips Exercise

The first two ab exercises to try, as listed above, are great for working the front of your core. The side plank is a great addition because it primarily works your obliques, which are the muscles on your core.
- Start in a right-side plank with your right forearm and right foot on the floor, your left hand on your hip and with your left leg resting atop the right leg.
- You should try to be in a straight line from your neck and shoulder to your feet. Think about trying to form a perfect right angle triangle between your elbow, armpit and right foot.
- Slowly lower your hips towards the floor, stopping when a few inches above the floor and return to the beginning position.
- Perform 10 reps on the right side, change sides, and do 10 more on the left side..
Core Strength and Tough Mudder Training go hand in hand. A strong core is necessary to complete many of the obstacles you will encounter during an event and it even plays a role in your running form. By improving your core strength, you can improve your event day performance and decrease your risk of injury.
Have your own Tough Mudder adventure and secure your spot on the start line.