The idea of tackling a Tough Mudder course completely solo might raise an eyebrow or two, but believe it or not, it’s actually considered pretty normal.
We encourage teamwork, yet the truth is, you don’t actually need a designated team because at Tough Mudder we are one team.
You can always get a helping hand from another Mudder at obtstacles.
Discovering the firsthand experiences of solo Mudders here:
Tough Mudder solo experiences
“I did my 7th TM last year, and my first ever solo, absolutely enjoyed it so I am doing 8 more solo runs this year, I can’t wait to meet loads of great people on the course again, what an awesome experience”
“I have a season pass this year and don’t always manage to coordinate with friends. Always glad for help on the course (and to help back, of course)”
“you’re never alone on course! I’ve done around 40 solos and love them as much as with friends and family”
“I did my first Tough Mudder 5 years ago and made some friends on the course. Now I run Tough Mudder with the same group every year. We have even recruited team solo team members through the years”
“None of my friends wanted to run with me so I decided to go solo. It was the best decision I have ever made. I was surprised with how far I pushed myself. I was totally out my comfort zone”
11:00 solo runner wave
In the upcoming events this year, the 11:00 am time slot is encouraged for solo runners.
Embrace this opportunity to be part of a united team and prove your mettle.
We welcome all solo participants to this exclusive wave, where you won’t just run alone but thrive as one team.
Check out the 2024 events calendar.