In the Mudder’s favourite obstacle stakes the Block Ness Monster reigns supreme. Made up of two huge, rotating blocks in muddy water Block Ness Monster combines teamwork and laugh out loud fun to make our most loved challenge.
While we wait to get out on the muddy course and face the mythical beast in real life there’s no reason we can’t start training for the clash. Give these three simple moves a try and prepare to slay the beast with ease this season. Why not challenge your colleagues and friends and do these moves as a virtual team home workout together.
How to Train for the Block Ness Monster
You can mix these moves separately into your pre-existing workout or try them together, the choice is yours.
Goblet Squats
The Block Ness Monster is definitely a full-body experience so squats are a great place to start. You’d usually do a goblet squat with a kettlebell or dumbell but if you don’t have any at home no worries, a large bottle of water or some cans of food will do the same job. Between your teammates see who can bring the most imaginative weight to your virtual session. Once you’ve set yourself up for a traditional squat hold whatever weight in front of your chest and away you go. Just remember to:
- Keep the weight in your heels
- Drop your hips below your knees
- Keep your back nice and straight

Flutter Kicks
Tackling obstacles in deep water can be a new (and intimidating) experience for many Mudders but as long as you stay calm and collected you’ll be splashing around without a care in the world. Flutter kicks are a great way to strengthen your core and legs as you imitate what you’ll need to be doing under the water. Lay flat on the ground and bring your hands to the ground underneath your bum. Then lift your shoulders and head up slightly, lift your feet and alternate kicking each leg (just like if you were swimming).
Nailed this move? For an added challenge bring your arms up straight above your head and try V sit ups alternating each leg.

Pull Ups
We know you’re wondering how on earth you can try pulls ups at home if you’re not one of the lucky Mudders with a pull up bar, but there is a very simply at home hack you can try. Grab a towel and a tie a knot in one side, then throw it over the top of a door and close it tightly. Sit on the ground, brace your feet at the bottom of the door, grab each corner of the towel and then slowly pull yourself up. The key tips to remember for this one include:
- Keeping your legs straight and core engaged
- Keep your elbows close to your body as you pull yourself up and lower back down
- NEVER forget the knot in the towel, you won’t fall very far but no one needs to be on lockdown with a bruised behind
These are 3 of our best exercises to help you prepare for the Block Ness Monster, help boost your team morale by doing these exercises virtually together as a team home workout, it will be guaranteed to give you all a couple of laughs and get you looking forward to taking on a Tough Mudder.
Ready to get your team together? We have some great group and corporate team packages available. If you don’t have your team just yet but want to have something to help meet your training goals make sure you get your ticket today. See you in the mud.