For the first time ever – Tough Mudder will be providing finisher medals for those who complete either the 3-5 mile or 10+ mile Tough Mudder during the 2024 season.

Yes, you read that right…if you cross the finish line in 2024, Tough Mudder will bestow an insanely awesome medal + lanyard that commemorates your immense accomplishment. 

Tough Mudder in 2024 is going to be no easy walk in the park: we’re talking about obstacle modifications & new crazy innovations that you have yet to see…so be prepared for a grueling experience from start to finish. Did you think we were going to make earning these new medals easy?? 

OK, down to the main reason you’re here: answers to your questions around our new finisher medals in 2024: 

Are medals replacing the headbands in 2024?

NO. Each event format from 3-5 miles, 10+ miles, Tough Mudder Infinity, Europe’s Toughest Mudder and World’s Toughest Mudder will still have a unique headband as a finisher item in addition to these new badass medals. 

I see there are 2 different colorways and multiple designs, what is the deal?

Depending on which Tough Mudder you complete (3-5mi or 10+mi), you’ll earn a unique medal specific to that distance.

I lost my phone in The Blockness Monster back in 2018, do you guys have it? 

Yes, please reach out to customer care. 

How many unique medals are there in total?

We have 6 unique medals. Each distance (3-5mi and 10+ mile) carries a uniquely embossed design specific to some of our most hardcore obstacles found on course.

The designs we chose to immortalise in medal format derive from Electroshock Therapy, Cage Crawl and Arctic Enema…each of which deserve to live on in tangible format outside your nightmares while you sleep.   

Do I have the ability to earn all of them?

Absolutely…here are the quick steps to get you on your way:

  1. Cross the finish line at any 2024 Tough Mudder.
  2. Receive your finisher medal (based on event format + distance)
  3. Sign up for more Tough Mudder events to earn more unique medals


Hot tip: we suggest securing a Season Pass which allows you access to the entire Tough Mudder season.

We have multiple options for how much mud you’re looking to take on. 

Do I need to complete the specific obstacles that are on the actual medals to receive them at the finish line?

Our obstacles are not mandatory to complete on the course and this will not affect the receipt of your finisher medal at the finish line.

Where can I earn all of these unique medals that have unique obstacle designs on them?

Great question – take your pick below:

Design 1:
– South East, London West, Scotland and Midlands.

Design 2:

– Berlin, Manchester, Yorkshire and South West.

Design 3:

– Birmingham, NRW-Eifel, London South, North West and Paris.

Keep your eyes peeled we will be announcing the medal designs soon 👀 

Are you ready to earn them all?

Sign up to a 2024 Tough Mudder today and prove you’ve got the grit.